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Jama Connect Interchange Help

Apply Jama Connect license to Jama Connect Interchange (self-hosted)

After installing Jama Connect Interchange, you must apply the Jama Connect license file before you can access the application.

To apply the license file:

  1. Open the email from Jama Software and save the attached license file to your Jama Connect Interchange host system.

  2. Confirm that the license file is named connect_license.txt.

    If needed, use the mv command to rename it. For example:

    mv Jama_License_Example_exp_31_2021_Commercial.txt connect_license.txt
  3. While the Jama Connect Interchange services are running, copy the license to each service:

    sudo docker cp connect_license.txt config-svc-interchange:/static-files/ 
    sudo docker cp connect_license.txt exe-svc-interchange:/static-files/ 
  4. Restart the Jama Connect Interchange services:

    cd /opt/jci 
    sudo docker compose restart 
    sudo docker-compose restart  

    The services take a few minutes to restart. When it’s finished, the license is updated.

  5. To log on to Jama Connect Interchange for the first time, use these default credentials:

    Username — interchange_admin

    Password — interchange_password