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Jama Connect Interchange User Guide

Performance metrics

Jama Connect Interchange can efficiently process large integration sets containing thousands of items.

The integration service identifies changes to items using the Activity Stream in Jama Connect. This allows the service to operate more efficiently because it can immediately begin processing the changes listed in the Activity Stream, rather than having to first scan each item in the integration set to detect changes.

Manually edited items

When an item is manually edited by a user in Jama Connect:

  • There is no delay in processing changes to items, even if:

    • Multiple users are working at the same time.

    • The integration set contains tens of thousands of items.

  • The integration service updates items at the default sync frequencies after the user makes a change:

    • 2–5 seconds (Excel Functions)

    • 15 seconds (Jira)

Batch-edited items

When items are updated simultaneously using a batch operation in Jama Connect, processing time increases based on the number of items in the batch:

  • 10 items: ~10s–90s

  • 100 items: ~1m30s–2m30s

  • 1000 items: ~16m40s–17m40s

  • 10,000 items: ~2hr35m

These ranges are based on the amount of time it takes for Jama Connect to send batch updates to the Activity Stream. This variability ranges from about 3 seconds to 2 minutes. Once updates are available in the Activity Stream, the integration service processes those updates at consistent speeds.

Full syncs

When items are updated through a Full Sync (all fields in all items in the integration set are scanned for changes), processing time increases based on the number of items in the set:

  • 100 items: ~1m17s

  • 1000 items: ~13m16s

  • 10,000 items: ~2hr2m

Running multiple integrations and operations simultaneously

The integration service can run up to five integrations simultaneously. Running multiple large operations simultaneously can result in timeouts.

If you have more than five integrations queued to run, they run five at a time until all integrations in the queue are run. At the default frequencies, each integration takes about five seconds to run, so if you have 100 integrations, for example, the integration service processes all of them in 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Each integration runs one operation at a time. For example, if both a batch operation and a full sync are queued to run, the first operation runs to completion before the next begins.