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Jama Connect Interchange Help

Additional guidelines for relationship syncing

This section details how Interchange syncs relationships between Jama Connect and Jira.

For Epic/Parent links
  • Jira to Jama Connect — When a Jama Connect relationship is created based on an Epic/Parent link in Jira, the Jama Connect item corresponding to the Jira Epic is automatically marked as “upstream” of the Jama Connect item corresponding to the Jira child. If relationship rules in Jama Connect disallow this, the relationship is not created and an error message is displayed in the Interchange log. The items themselves continue to sync as normal, but the relationship does not.

  • Jama Connect to Jira — When a Jira Epic/Parent relationship is created based on a relationship in Jama Connect, the directionality of the Jama Connect relationship has no impact on the Jira link. The Jira Epic automatically becomes the “parent” issue in the Jira link, and the other Jira issue becomes the “child.” Jira allows each child issue to have only a single Epic assigned. So, if the child’s corresponding Jama Connect item has multiple Epics related to it in Jama Connect, Interchange only syncs the most recently added relationship as the Epic link.

For Sibling links
  • Jira to Jama Connect — When a Jama Connect relationship is created based on a sibling link in Jira, the Jira link type determines which Jama item in the relationship is upstream and which is downstream. For example. Jira links with the link type of "Blocks" are sent to Jama Connect as downstream relationships, while link types of "Is Blocked By" are sent as upstream relationships.

  • Jama Connect to Jira — When a Jira sibling link is created based on a relationship in Jama Connect, the selection of the Jira Default Link Type field determines which link type is assigned to the sibling link.

Full syncs

When you run a Full Sync in Interchange, relationships are added but not deleted. You must manually remove the relationship in both systems.

Unsupported scenarios

Syncing both an Epic/Parent link and a sibling link between the same two Jira items is not supported. This can lead to unexpected behavior when the relationships are synced to Jama Connect.